Toric Soft Lens Over-Refraction Tool

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This tool is designed to help practitioners determine the appropriate prescription for a soft toric contact lens from the results of an Over-Refraction with the patient wearing a soft toric contact lens of a given prescription.

The Soft Toric Over-refraction Calculator is shown by selecting Tools ...Soft Toric Over-refraction Calculator from the menu on the Floating Control toolbar.

Enter the prescription of the soft toric contact lens worn by the patient. Any rotation of the lens in the patient's eyes can be compensated for using the lens orientation sliders.  

Perform a full over-refraction (Sphere and Cyl) and enter the result in the Spectacle Over Refraction frame. Remember to specify the exact vertex distance (especially for higher prescriptions).  

The program will then calculate the resultant prescription (taking into account the vertex distance and rotation of the contact lens) and a new soft toric prescription will be shown. This prescription should now fully correct the patient's refractive error.