The Thomson Near Chart includes ten groups of tests which are selected by clicking on the corresponding tab - see below:

A thumbnail of the selected device is shown in the appropriate aspect ratio on the right of the screen, while the various tests and settings relating to this group are shown on the left.

The Window may be resized (within limits) and the tab headers and thumbnails will be resized appropriately.

The test group selected by default can be selected by selecting Settings from the menu bar.  This will display the Settings screen as shown below:

Select the test group to be shown when the app is run from the list and select Save.

The groups of tests are as follows:

  • Test Types: A variety of texts shown in various fonts sizes, appropriate scaled for the device.
  • LogMAR Reading: A variety of texts organised in a format which draws upon the LogMAR chart principle
  • Reading Speed: A variety of standardised texts which can be used to assess reading speed and accuracy.
  • LogMAR Acuity: LogMAR test charts scaled for both the Near and Distance viewing distances specified during calibration
  • Refraction Tests: A variety of test to help establish an accurate near prescription/ reading ADD
  • Binocular Tests: A variety of binocular vision tests to help establish Phoria, Fixation Disparity and Binocularity.
  • Stereogram:  Random dot strereograms to assess binocularity/stereopsis.
  • Amsler charts: A variety of grids which may be used to detect scotomas and distortion in the central visual field
  • Fixation Targets: A wide variety of images and stimuli which may be used to encourage fixation during clinical procedures.
  • Task Images: A wide variety of images representing taks that the patient may be required to carry out to provide an assessment of visual capability