Changing Sphere Cyl and Axis

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To dial up a prescription in the phoropter, simply click on the Sph, Cyl or Axis boxes for the corresponding eye. The box will then be highlighted as shown below.

To change the lens, rotate the mouse wheel (located between the two mouse buttons). The software will wait until the mouse wheel stops moving and then dial in the new lens in one rotation (rather than changing the lenses in 0.25 steps). This makes it very much quicker to make large changes in lens power. The lenses selected will be shown in the visualisation exactly as they would appear in a trial frame.

The visualisation will change to show the new prescription. NOTE: Plus spheres are shown in red and minus in black.

To change the lenses for the right and left eye together, click on the box between the two lenses, For example, if you wish to change the power of the sphere in both eyes simultaneously, click on Sph.

You will note that both the right and the left Sphere boxes are now highlighted as shown below.

If the mouse wheel is now rotated, both spheres will be changed simultaneously. To return to single lens control, simply click on one of the Sph boxes.

The value in the Sph and Cyl  can be zeroed by right clicking in the corresponding box.  Right clicking on the Axis box sets the axis to 90 or 180 degrees.