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Test Chart 2016 includes a wide range of Fixation targets for use during the cover test, retinoscopy, ophthalmoscopy etc.  These images can be easily be changed or additional images added.

Likewise, the images shown in the Near task mode (when using a tablet) can also be changed.

Fixation test images

The images are organized into 9 groups. Each group may contain an unlimited number of images.

The default groups are as follows:

Fixation targets



Landscape photographs

Animal photographs

Fish photographs

Flowers photographs

Clinical images

Task images

NOTE: If a polarised monitor is being used, group 9 contains a selection of 3D images

The final group (0)  is used to display videos.

Changing the order of fixation targets

The images and videos contained within each of the groups can be deleted or reordered and new images added.

Test Chart 2016  introduces a simpler way of achieving this than in previous versions

Select the group that you wish to change from the first list box.  The images currently contained in this group are displayed in the second list box and a preview is shown below.

Re-ordering images

The order of the images in the group may be changed by simply dragging an image file to the required position in the second list box.

Adding images

To add an image to a group, select the group in the first list box and select New.  This will allow you to browse for a new image file and this file will be automatically copied to the group.  You may then rename it and change its position in the sequence if required.

Note:  For best results, images added should have the same aspect ratio and resolution as the monitor on which they will be displayed.  Test Chart 2016 will perform an "intelligent" rescaling but images with a different aspect ratio will have a border.

Renaming images

The name of each image is displayed on the Test Information Bar on the Floating Control Window.  The name of an image may be changed by selecting the image file in the second list box and clicking on Rename.  This will prompt for a new name to be entered,

Deleting images

To delete an image, select the image file in the second list box and select Delete.