The Refraction tab of the Settings window includes the following panels:

Duochrome Default format

Options in this group allow the user to specify the default format for the Duochrome test.

The default format of the stimuli (Rings, Dots or Letters) shown on the duochrome background may be specified.  If Rings or Dots are specified, their Default size may also be specified.  If Letters are specified, the Default letter size (LogMAR) and Default letter optotype may also be specified.

The current default settings may be previewed on the Test Chart screen by selecting Preview.

Duochrome Colours

Options in this group allow the user to define the precise shade of Red and Green used for the duochrome test.  It is important that the Red and Green shown on the Test Chart monitor are approximately matched in brightness to avoid a bias when performing the test.

The brightness and precise shade of red and green can be specified using the colour picker controls.

Refraction Stimuli Default format

Options in this group allow the user to specify the default format for the Cross Cyl test.

The default format of the stimuli (Rings, Dots or Letters) shown on the duochrome background may be specified.  If Rings or Dots are specified, their Default size may also be specified and the user may specify if  single or double Rings/Dots are shown by default.  If Letters are specified, the Default letter size (LogMAR) and Default letter optotype may also be specified.

The current default settings may be previewed on the Test Chart screen by selecting Preview.

Fan and Block Default format

Options in this group allow the user to specify the default format for the Fan and Block test.

The default format following a reset is determined by the selection of Fan or Blocks.

A label showing the current angle may be shown/hidden on the Test Chart by pressing R on the keyboard or IR remote handset.  The label may be shown by default by selecting Show angle by default. The default angle (i.e. the angle set following a reset)  may be selected by setting the Default angle.

The colour of the arrow on the Fan test may be set to blue by selecting Blue arrow for fan.  Some clinicians find that this helps when directing patients to the various components of the test.