Near Vision Tests

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Modern tablets are ideal for near vision testing, being light enough for the patient to hold and having the resolution to reproduce small test stimuli.

Conventional near vision testing apps like the Vision Toolbox for the iPad (developed by Thomson Software Solutions and available from the App Store) provide a huge range of near vision tests and stimuli.  However, changing from one test to another requires the clinician to interact with the tablet which reduces the efficiency of this approach.

Test Chart 2016 provides a novel solution to this problem by using a PC to generate the stimuli which are then displayed on the tablet.  This approach has all the advantages of using a tablet but uses a PC to control the display.

For this to work, a third party application called iDisplay must be installed on the tablet and the iDisplay server program must be installed on the PC.  iDisplay is available for Apple and Android devices.

Link to iDisplay website

PLEASE NOTE: iDisplay is not currently compatible with Windows 10 although the developers report that an upgrade will be forthcoming.

Details of how to link the PC and Tablet are given here.  Once connected, the tablet effectively forms an additional display screen.  Test Chart 2016 automatically places a window on the tablet display allowing a wide range of near test stimuli to be displayed under control from the PC.

Enabling Test Chart 2016 to use a Tablet

Calibrating a Tablet for Near Vision Testing

Near Vision Tests