Nystagmus Neutraliser

Welcome to the Nystagmus Neutraliser, an exciting, new computer-based treatment to help people with nystagmus.  The goal is to make it easier for people with nystagmus to read text on screens.

The concept is being developed by Dr Nadeem Ali, a Consultant Ophthalmologist who specialises in Squints and Nystagmus, and Professor David Thomson. Dr Nadeem Ali explains more in the video below:

The project is at an early stage of development right now but we need the help of some people with nystagmus to provide us with some feedback on our prototype system.  This information will be used to guide the next stage of the development which may include eye tracking and possibly the use of a Virtual Reality headset.

If you have nystagmus and you are happy to help, please click on the button below to run the prototype Nystagmus Neutraliser. Then – and this is the important bit – please complete the feedback form so we can hear your thoughts. Your views are vital to making this product a success, so we can help people with nystagmus, just like you.